Vinzenz Moroder Resciesa

1889 - 1980

His artwork

at the Kindergartn in St. Ulrich - Urtijei

Drawings by Vinzenz Moroder documenting the horrors of the first World War

from: Tagebuch bzw. Notizen und Zeichnungen vom Felde ab 19. Mai 1915. Vinzenz Moroder Sanitaets Unterjaeger.

Ed: Geschwister Moroder Christine, Vinzenz, Aurelia, Augusta, Mathilde und Hans 1995

Vinzenz Moroder Resciesa


The village of Arabba set on fire by Italian fire grenades on August 20 1915 at 2 pm

The Col di Lana on August 14, 1915

Besides giving interesting historical details on the war in the Dolomites Vinzenz's book gives an insight to the struggle of people under hardship of war and drastic postwar political changes.



Portraits of Leo Prinoth sen. and Josef Grossrubatscher de Rusina

If you like to know more on this artist please contact me

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